A Jazzman's Blues - Chat with Tyler Perry, Joshua Boone and Solea Pfeiffer

Tyler Perry brings us his directorial debut with the glorious A Jazzman’s Blues from a script he wrote 25 years ago.

Set in In 1947 Georgia, Bayou (Joshua Boone) meets Leanne (Solea Pfieffer). They fall in love, but Leanne’s relatives forbid the relationship. When they meet again years later, Bayou has become a song-and-dance sensation and Leanne has married another man — and is passing as white. Their desire for each other reignited, they conspire to escape together, but they can’t shake dangerous secrets from their past.

In 1987, a stack of letters is delivered to a state attorney general, possible evidence in the long-unsolved murder case of Bayou.

Perry, who wrote this story of forbidden love twenty five years ago sat on the script because he was not only determined to direct it but wanted to be 100 percent certain he was ready to do so.

After years of giving us his titular character Madea, Perry has become one of the leading Producers in the business creating dozens of movies and TV series, most of which are shot on the sets of his Tyler Perry studios ( more like a compound) in Atlanta.

For A Jazzman’s Blues he brings us two glorious newcomers Solea Pfeiffer and Joshua Boone in the lead roles who carry the film with grace and dignity.

Perry gets strong performances from the entire cast and the musical numbers are simply outstanding with the dance numbers choreographed by Debbie Allen. 

I spoke with Tyler Perry and stars Solea Pfeiffer and Joshua Boone about the film.

A Jazzman’s Blues begins streaming on Netflix on September 23rd.