Keep an eye out for Agam Darshi’s directorial debut, Donkeyhead.

Donkeyhead is a written and directed by Agam Darshi. The film follows Mona, played by Darshi, a woman tasked with taking care of her father with the help of her three siblings after he is diagnosed with cancer and his health starts to deteriorate.

Mona just can’t seem to get it together. She is a failed writer who carves out a life of isolation while caring for her ailing Sikh father. When he suffers a debilitating stroke,. When her three successful siblings (Sandy (Sandy Sidhu), Rup (Huse Madhavji), and Parminder (Stephen Lobo) show up on her doorstep determined to take control of the situation family strife hits the boiling point and things are said and realized that Mona needs to comes to terms with.

From the start, there's bickering about the decisions Mona has made in their father's care, leading to larger conversations about what happens after he dies. Mona still lives in the family home. In fact, her life is a bit of mess: she hasn't held a steady job in years, and she's having an affair with the family's married lawyer (Kim Coates). When the father's condition continues to worsen, serious issues must be addressed.

Although this Canadian drama set against the Punjabi Sikh immigrant community it is a universal story and offers an authentic tale of growing up and facing life's challenges. Donkeyhead writer-director-star Darshi convincingly embodies the main character, whose struggles to overcome childhood trauma and grapple with the responsibilities of adult life impact all of her siblings.

I spoke with writer/star/director Agam Darshi and co-producer and star Kim Coates about working on this project.

Both interviews can be watched by clicking the playlist below.