
ME YOU MADNESS is a fun, stylish and sexy action romp with an 80’s feel and some pretty surprising thrills. Featuring a unique blend of twisted humor, horror and nostalgia, this bold directorial debut from Louise Linton is the perfect unconventional date night movie to catch this Valentine’s Day.

Catherine Black is a brilliant, ruthless business executive who runs a top hedge fund in L.A. She lives a wealthy but ice-cold life and is a self-declared murderous psychopath. Enter Tyler Jones, a handsome young petty-thief and con man, arriving at her Malibu estate seeking “a room for rent” while naively unaware that he might be her next meal.


Despite being roofied and meeting Catherine’s model girlfriend Yu Yan, Tyler is quickly swept up in his new life and romance. After a night together, love is in the air; Tyler is blissfully unaware while Catherine partakes in casual murder and dismemberment after spin class. But sex and a stolen vintage Mustang complicate their mutual scheming, especially when there’s a corpse in the trunk.

Attraction lingers as Tyler returns to Catherine, only to make the grisly discovery of body parts in the freezer. Catherine uses everything at her disposal on Tyler, including a broken martini glass, hedge trimmer, crossbow, and chainsaw- all while keeping blood off the white couch. Romance blossoms amid glamorous action in this neon-tinged, self-aware erotic thriller riff from writer/director/star Louise Linton, driven by a high-energy 80s soundtrack. Love hurts… literally.


In the anticipation of comedy thriller ME YOU MADNESS which arrives on digital release on February 12th from STX, I recently had the opportunity at the virtual press junket to interview Ed Westwick ("Gossip Girl," "Romeo and Juliet") and Louise Linton ("Rules Don’t Apply," "Cabin Fever"), the latter of whom also directed this new film.