PROFILE - Valene Kane, Shazad Latif AND Timur Bekmambetov Interview


Profile is a terrifying new film directed by Timur Bekmambetov  starring Valene Kane and Shazad Latif. 

The mystery thriller which follows a young British journalist played by Kane who goes undercover to investigate Islamic terrorist groups online, but instead finds herself falling in love with her recruiter.


In order to investigate the recruitment of young European women by ISIS, journalist Amy Whittaker creates a new Facebook profile under the alias of Melody Nelson. She creates a persona online of a woman who has recently converted to Islam.

Soon Amy is contacted by Bilel, an ISIS fighter from Syria. They begin to talk to each other regularly and after some time she begins to develop real romantic feelings for him.

The entire film is shot using only computer and phone screens, something director Timur Bekmambetov has done before with films like “Unfriended” and “Searching.”


The film is based on French journalist Anna Erelle's book In the Skin of a Jihadist about her investigation into the recruitment of young women by ISIS

Shazad Latif known for his role in Star Trek:Discovery is scary good as Bilel - the islamic recruiter who manipulates vulnerable women to join ISIS.  Valene Kane is an Irish actress who is best known for her performances in all three series of BBC Two's BAFTA-nominated The Fall, in which she played Jamie Dornan's first lover, Rose Stagg


I spoke with Shazad Latif, Valene Kane and Director Timur Bekmambetov about working on this intense and terrifying project. ( all three interviews can be enjoyed in the playlist below)

Profile is now available on VOD.