Vida - An Interview with Mishel Prada
/Mishel Prada in, Vida
A drama-filled story of family, love and identity, Vida is a hot new series that explores family secrets, surprises and values.
Currently running in the U.S on the Starz Network and in Canada on TMN and Crave TV - Vida is unlike any series you've seen before and one of the show's stars Mishel Prada couldn't agree more!
Starz’s smart, sexy, funny new drama, centres on Emma (Michel Prada) and Lyn (Melissa Barrera), two Mexican-American sisters who considered leaving their hometown in Los Angeles, a badge of honour. Their mother’s sudden death forces them to reconsider that stance, themselves, and their place in a world that would prefer to flatten out their neighborhood’s singular character in favor of a slick new apartment complex or artisanal coffee shop. What’s more, they quickly learn with a combination of shock and frustration, their mother’s “roommate” Eddy (Ser Anzoategui) wasn’t her roommate at all, but her wife.
Vida stars Melissa Barrera and Mishel Prada
The show's themes of feminism, LGBT relationships and gentrification within the Latinx community in Los Angeles are particularly timely. Prada says that she personally relates to many of the show’s themes and characters, being a first-generation American herself. Her mother is an immigrant but Prada grew up in the U.S and consdiers herself 100 percent American. She loves what the show brings to the forefront and feels that it is a huge honor to be part of bringing this story to life.
Prior to securing her lead role on Vida, Mishel Prada starred in AMC’s short form series Fear the Walking Dead: Passage an online spinoff of the hit series Fear the Walking Dead.
I spoke with the lovely and talented Mishel Prada via satellite from Los Angeles about working on the show and why she feels it is not only a timely show but and important one.
VIDA can currently be seen on Starz in the U.S. and on TMN and Crave TV in Canada.