Won't You Be My Neighbor? - An Interview with filmmaker Morgan Neville
/We're you a fan of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood? Well I can tell you (now I'm dating myself) the show was a huge part of my neighbourhood as a child.
It was quite nostalgic watching the new documentary Won't You Be My Neighbor? The doc examines the life and legacy of Fred Rogers, the beloved host of the popular children's TV show "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood." ( I promise - you will NEED kleenex!)
Documentarian Morgan Neville who won an Oscar for his film, 20 Feet From Stardom made it his mission to make a film about Fred Rogers, one of the most beloved men on the planet. Neville talks to just about everybody alive who knew Fred Rogers intimately: his wife, his two sons, his longtime casts and crews on the PBS series Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. They all share anecdotes about Fred Rogers. Was he a perfect man? Heck, no!! However we find out that his caring and loving individual was absolutely a person who what you saw ids what you got! More often, everyone speaks in awed tones about a man who practiced what he preached: greeting each new day with wonder, always endeavouring to treat other people kindly.
Me with Morgan Neville
Check out my interview below at Original-Cin with Oscar winning filmmaker Morgan Neville about the Fred Rogers doc which opens exclusively in Toronto at Varsity on Friday (and select U.S. cities) and expands wider over the month.